Mythic Grand Gaube Project

Empowering women and girls for sustainable development

The village of Grand Gaube is situated in the north of Mauritius with around 8000 habitants (Stats 2014). It is mainly a fishermen community with a lot of people depending on the ocean as a resource to sustain on a daily basis. In 2019, Mythic Grand Gaube was developed in the area of Grand Gaube ( This project was about the construction of luxury IRS villas in the area. According to the Property Development Scheme under the Economic Development Board, Mythic Grand Gaube needs to contribute in a social project in the area where its development is being undergone. EPCO was approached since we have a lot experience working in Grand Gaube. Since the village of Grand Gaube is also facing a lot of social problems such as drug abuse and poverty, EPCO decided to develop a tailor made project specifically for Grand Gaube.

Goals and Objectives

The goal of the project is to work in collaboration with ‘Etoile de mer women’s club’ which is a local organisation comprised mainly of marginalised women located in the village of Gaube Gaube. EPCO will be developing several modules addressing the following issues:

  1. Climate Change (Adaptation and Mitigation);
  2. Self-Employment (Skill development – tourist sector);
  3. Health & Safety (At home/work);
  4. Social services (Health, banking, social security, etc).

These training sessions will be done on a monthly basis depending on the availability of the members of ‘Etoile de mer women’s club’. The overall outcome of the project will empower women and girls socially and economically by building inner strength, creativity and self-esteem among the community.


A first meeting was held with the executive members of ‘Etoile de mer women’s club’ association together with the responsible officer of Grand Gaube SILWF Community Centre on Wednesday 5 February 2020. It was decided that the project will start its first session in April 2020. Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all activities were cancelled. Once the lockdown is over, the project will continue and we shall share more updates. Stay tuned!